Television: industries and Audiences

LO: To research the history, companies and regulators in the television industry,

Paper 1: section A
Unseen extract from a TV drama
Three questions about the extract

Could be asked about:

  • How media language is has been used to create meaning.
  • How the industry has influenced the meaning
  • The audiences reaction to the extract
  • The social, cultural and historical context
In your own words, write definitions for the following terms

  • Publicly Owned TV Channel: a channel which receives funding from the government, meaning they're restricted by state regulations.
  • Commercial TV Channel: a channel which is owned by its own private corporate media which isn't affected by state censorship.
  • Convergence: The interlinking of different technologies and media platforms.
  • Watershed: The time which TV programs which may be unsuitable for children may broadcast.
  • Segmented Market: splitting a business or market into different sub-genres to specialise for different target audiences.
  • Mainstream: Normal or traditional forms of mass communication.
  • Self-regulating: An organisation which regulates itself rather than  
  • Franchise: A collection of related media
  • Channel-Surfing: flicking through channels without a particular channel in mind.
  • PSB: programming produced mainly for the public
  • TV License: Legal permission to use or install television
  • Scheduling: Arranging programmes to fit a plan
  • Conglomerate: a company which owns other companies 

  • When was TV introduced in the UK?
    In 1965, how many channels were there in the UK and what were they?
    When did ITV start? why was it different?
    Which UK channels have to follow PSB remits?
    Who regulates TV now?
    Who regulated TV channels in the 1960s?
    List the differences between TV in the 1960s and now.


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