Mock Dirt

Q1. Non diegetic music is tense and this creates tension for the audience
Diegetic Dialogue like "Hi guys this is Jake ... Ummm kilo..." Shows that Jake is unexperienced connoting something could go wrong in the car chase.
Diegetic Ambiant noise when the robbers smash the front of the shop thats Diegetic Ambiants

 Q2. Editing: More of its from the police POV view so you have a better bond with them.
Camera showed in close up shots because you know them better
Criminals are showed in long shots and CCTV footage so it makes you not trust them
Sounds: Criminals speak agressive lines of dialogue. Police are shown more human

-Settings (police station, hospital, flat, beach and town)
-Costumes (police uniform – criminals clothes/look)
-Props (police car, weapons, SFX make up, radios etc)
Contribute to verisimilitude(believable realistic fictional world).
With sounds they have realistic 


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