
LO: To research the history, companies and regulators in the television industry,

Paper 1: section A
Unseen extract from a TV drama
Three questions about the extract

Could be asked about:

  • How media language is has been used to create meaning.
  • How the industry has influenced the meaning
  • The audiences reaction to the extract
  • The social, cultural and historical context
In your own words, write definitions for the following terms

  • Publicly Owned TV Channel: a channel which receives funding from the government, meaning they're restricted by state regulations.
  • Commercial TV Channel: a channel which is owned by its own private corporate media which isn't affected by state censorship.
  • Convergence: The interlinking of different technologies and media platforms.
  • Watershed: The time which TV programs which may be unsuitable for children may broadcast.
  • Segmented Market: splitting a business or market into different sub-genres to specialise for different target audiences.
  • Mainstream: Normal or traditional forms of mass communication.
  • Self-regulating: An organisation which regulates itself rather than  
  • Franchise: A collection of related media
  • Channel-Surfing: flicking through channels without a particular channel in mind.
  • PSB: programming produced mainly for the public
  • TV License: Legal permission to use or install television
  • Scheduling: Arranging programmes to fit a plan
  • Conglomerate: a company which owns other companies
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