Cuffs questions

Why was the pre-watershed scheduling of 8pm significant in terms of the representations they could offer? (3 marks)

It was significant as it meant that they could use themes such as homosexuality, racism, and sexism. These reasons mean that parents may not want their children watching an episode with these themes. For example, parents might not want their kids to be seeing a same sex relationship, such as the one with Jake Vickers and the enemy lawyer. As wrong as it is doing this, they might do this to deter their kids from being gay.

How were the following areas represented in the episode:

  • Ethnicity 
  • Gender
  • Sexuality 
(10 marks)          

Cuffs was written and distributed in 2015 and therefore provides a snapshot of the cultural, politcal and social issues of the UK population at this point in history. 

In this episode, ethnicity is presented in a positive way through the main character, PC Ryan Draper. With him being an alpha male and a caring parent, it shows how much times have changed and show's people that black people aren't the stereotypical 'gangster/thug' as they would've been represented through film a couple years ago. We also see a female, PC Misha Baig, attempting to break up a fight. With her being a female, it is showing women represented in a positive way. This shows how far the UK has come since the 1920s when women were allowed to vote, and are now being presented as equal to men. She also represents ethnicity in a positive way. Since the terrorist attacks, muslims have been portrayed in the media negatively. Baig shows the audience that muslims are not stereotypically the 'villain'.
       Sexuality in this episode is also portrayed in a positive way, with Jake Vickers and the lawyer.  

How did the changing practices of institution and audiences cause Cuffs to be such a failure? 


  1. Cuffs Watershed Question - great work you have mentioned three correct points and developed one of these points. 3/5. TARGET:
    Develop your other two points in more detail to get full marks.
    OVERALL - your writing is coming on really well this year and you should be proud of your progress - you can do this! You are a good writer.


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