The shot type is an eye level medium long shot. The star vehicles are Emmet, Batman, Wildstyle, Vitruvius, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Unikitty, Green Ninja, Superman, a 90's Lego Spaceman, President Business and MetalBeard. Emmet is an average looking Lego construction worker from the Lego City franchise, he looks so average and normal because of the choices of the producers. By looking so normal, the movie portrays the message to the audience that anyone can be special, even the most average people. Children who play with Lego City toys would be attracted to this character because of his appearance as a Lego construction worker. Parents would be attracted to this character because of the message he brings by looking the way he is, and would want their children to understand this message. As well as this, He is voiced by Chris Pratt, who is known for his role in The Office, this would bring attention to the movie too. Wildstyle wears a black hoodie and has black hair with dyed ...
This needs a lot more detail - also you must compete a detailed Mojo magazine cover analysis using PEEL paragraphs covering how all aspects media language denotations and connotations show the genre while representing/attracting the primary target audience.