Lego Movie Synergy


Ways of promoting a movie.

Social Media
Publicity Stunt
Celebrity + Brand partnerships.


The merchandise ranges from shirts, to hats to costumes to actual lego structures to build.

$29.99 $69.95

McDonalds happy meal, that children eat, had a lego movie theme.

All of the merchandise is designed for children, therefore it's aimed towards parents to buy it for the children. The advertisement of the merchandise being constantly promoted on children tv makes the child pester their parents for the toys, this allows the child and the parent to know that there is a lego movie.


The lego website promotes the film, short films with the same characters and games with the same characters.

The lego movie poster was everywhere promoting the lego movie. The poster is exciting, colourful and shows all the characters including characters children may recognise.
This may not attract the children as much but adults knowing they have to look after children later may think that taking them to the cinema to see the movie would be a good idea. They then have to pay for the child's ticket and their own.

Production Process
1)Each week in January 2014 a new character poster was released.
2)Lego stores scheduled linked events.
3)Free accessory packs were available in stores after building creative models in-store
4)Video game released 4th February.
5)On 7th February, McDonalds released collectible 3D cups with happy meals.
6)A website made people able to make versions of themselves.

Pre-Production: Scripting/Planning/Organising. Shoots/Casting. Actors/Hiring crew etc.
Production:Filming the movie.
Distribution:Marketing/Marketing campaigns distributed.


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