Lego Movie Synergy

Marketing Ways of promoting a movie. Trailer Adverts Posters Website Social Media Publicity Stunt Celebrity + Brand partnerships. Merchandise Synergy/Merchandise The merchandise ranges from shirts, to hats to costumes to actual lego structures to build. $29.99 $69.95 $42.99 $19.45 McDonalds happy meal, that children eat, had a lego movie theme. All of the merchandise is designed for children, therefore it's aimed towards parents to buy it for the children. The advertisement of the merchandise being constantly promoted on children tv makes the child pester their parents for the toys, this allows the child and the parent to know that there is a lego movie. Promotion The lego website promotes the film, short films with the same characters and games with the same characters. The lego movie poster was everywhere promoting the lego movie. The poster is exciting, colourful and shows all the characters including charact...