The shot type is an eye level medium long shot. The star vehicles are Emmet, Batman, Wildstyle, Vitruvius, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Unikitty, Green Ninja, Superman, a 90's Lego Spaceman, President Business and MetalBeard. Emmet is an average looking Lego construction worker from the Lego City franchise, he looks so average and normal because of the choices of the producers. By looking so normal, the movie portrays the message to the audience that anyone can be special, even the most average people. Children who play with Lego City toys would be attracted to this character because of his appearance as a Lego construction worker. Parents would be attracted to this character because of the message he brings by looking the way he is, and would want their children to understand this message. As well as this, He is voiced by Chris Pratt, who is known for his role in The Office, this would bring attention to the movie too. Wildstyle wears a black hoodie and has black hair with dyed ...
Q1. Non diegetic music is tense and this creates tension for the audience Diegetic Dialogue like "Hi guys this is Jake ... Ummm kilo..." Shows that Jake is unexperienced connoting something could go wrong in the car chase. Diegetic Ambiant noise when the robbers smash the front of the shop thats Diegetic Ambiants Q2. Editing: More of its from the police POV view so you have a better bond with them. Camera showed in close up shots because you know them better Criminals are showed in long shots and CCTV footage so it makes you not trust them Sounds: Criminals speak agressive lines of dialogue. Police are shown more human Q3. - Settings (police station, hospital, flat, beach and town) - Costumes (police uniform – criminals clothes/look) - Props (police car, weapons, SFX make up, radios etc ) Contribute to verisimilitude (believable realistic fictional world). With sounds they have realistic
January 1963 France vetoes Britain's entry to the European Common Market President of France Charles de Gaulle announced the French veto on Britain's application to join the European Common Market, the forerunner of the European Union. De Gaulle said the British government lacked 'commitment' to European integration. Top October 1963 New universities open and students get state support The Robbins Report on Higher Education (1963) was followed by the state-funded growth of universities. Government support was seen as necessary, not least in order to change the social composition of the student body. State-paid fees and maintenance were designed to help increase the percentage of working-class students. New universities were established, including Essex, Lancaster, Kent and Sussex. Top 19 October 1963 Conservative Sir Alec Douglas-Home becomes prime minister Sir Alec Douglas-Home became Conservative party leader and prime minister following the ...
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